Axis Bank Personal Loan
Interest Rate : 10.25% pa
The final interest rates offered to the personal loan applicants depend upon the credit score, age, monthly income, etc
Axis Bank Personal Loan
Personal Loan Amount : Rs. 50,000/- to Rs 15,00,000/- depending upon the Eligibility
Axis Bank Personal Loan
Personal Loan Repayment Tenure : Flexible Tenure period anywhere from 1 to 5 years
Axis Bank
Eligibility Criteria
– Salaried Employees – Age – Minimum: 21 years – Maximum: 60 years at the time of loan maturity – Minimum Net Monthly Income: Rs 15,000
Axis Bank Personal Loan
Documents Required:
1. Aadhaar Card, Pan Card 2. Proof of Birth 3. Last 2 months Salary Slips, Bank Statement showing salary credits
Axis Bank Personal Loan Personal Phone Banking
Customer Care : 1860-419-5555 1860-500-5555 1800-419-5577